Clay Pantiles
This Old Clay Pantile roof was stripped back to rafters, insulated and replaced with New Clay Pantiles.The new Clay Pantiles are coloured to give age and character to a roof; whilst having all of the benefits of being brand new.
Storm Damaged Collyweston Roof
High winds and heavy rain or snow can cause irreparable damage to an aging Collyweston Slate roof.In these circumstances, the Collyweston Slate must be stripped and re-dressed by hand. Subsequently, it is re-laid in diminishing courses, using a traditional lime mortar...
Project Bradstone Conservation Slate
Bradstone Conservation - Tiles Roof For this project, our team of experts installed Bradstone Conservation slate tiles designed to replicate the classic look of Collyweston Slate. They removed the old tiles down to the rafters and installed new Permo Forte...
Re-slated Grade 11 Listed Building
Grade II listed building.Re-slated with Collyweston slate. Collyweston Slate Roof - Before/AfterGrade II listed building. Re-slated with Collyweston slate.
Collyweston Dormer
Recent ProjectsCollyweston Dormer - Before/After Cottage roof re-slated with existing Collyweston Slate.
Collyweston Dovecote
Collyweston Dovecote Here, we present a charming dovecote re-slated with Collyweston slate. The newly re-slated building also features a lead top
Blue Slate Garage
Blue Slate Garage New garage, slated with Welsh Blue Slate.
Collyweston To Bradstone
Collyweston Slate Changed To Bradstone Cotswold Tiles In a recent project, we replaced Collyweston slates with Bradstone Conservation tiles. Despite the building being a relatively small outbuilding, it was of utmost importance to us to preserve its original...